
Er=Epr Every Moment Schur Orthogonality Relations

The AdS/CFT correspondence relates a murky, effective description amongst quantum theory inwards the mass – inwards AdS – to a well-defined, microscopic, non-gravitational theory on the boundary – CFT. I think that most people would concur that at to the lowest degree at present, the CFT side is the "more well-defined one", as well as the human relationship hence helps us to empathise what quantum gravity (in this illustration inwards AdS) genuinely is.

I would similar to bring a to a greater extent than universal Definition of quantum gravity that plant for whatever superselection sector, whether the boundary demeanour of the spacetime is apartment Minkowski, AdS, or otherwise. What is the human relationship betwixt the low-energy acre as well as some "detailed microscopic theory" inwards the most full general case?

Witten's monstrous model of pure gravity inwards \(AdS_3\) has been i of my favorite toy models that I bring employed to banking concern check as well as refine diverse tools that I proposed for quantum gravity inwards general. Just to recall, the AdS/CFT dual should depict pure gravity inwards a 3-dimensional space. In \(D=3\), the Ricci-tensor \(R_{\mu\nu}\) as well as the Riemann tensor \(R_{\kappa\lambda\mu\nu}\) both bring half dozen components. So the Ricci-flatness, i.e. Einstein's vacuum equations, imply the Riemann flatness. The vacuum must last flat. However, sources may create a deficit angle.

In the \(AdS_3\) space, this contention is deformed past times the extra cosmological constant, as well as the BTZ dark hole becomes the most of import dark hole solution of classical full general relativity inwards \(AdS_3\). The simplest theory amongst no extra fields aside from the metric tensor must even so allow dark hole microstates past times consistency.

H5N1 decade ago, Witten conjectured that at that spot exists a cool AdS/CFT span dual to the pure gravity inwards \(AdS_3\). Davide Gaiotto subsequently showed that the conjectured duality solely holds for the minimum radius, i.e. the \(N=1\) case. So that's the solely illustration of interest. The dual CFT is a \(CFT_2\) amongst \(c=24\) which is pretty much the same CFT that was used to clarify the monstrous moonshine. It has the discrete monster grouping symmetry.

So i of the simplest realizations of full general relativity – pure gravity inwards \(AdS_3\) – seems to secretly comport the most impressive sporadic finite grouping that relates its microstates. The CFT amongst the monster grouping symmetry may last constructed inwards analogy amongst the bosonic structure of the heterotic string. But i doesn't exercise a 16-dimensional fifty-fifty self-dual lattice. Instead, i has to pick the 24-dimensional fifty-fifty self-dual lattice. There are some 24 inequivalent ones.

We must pick i of them, the Leech lattice, which is the unique 24-dimensional fifty-fifty self-dual lattice that solely has sites amongst the length \(\ell^2=0\), \(\ell^2=4\), \(\ell^2=6\), as well as so on. There are no sites amongst \(\ell^2=2\) at all – which is linked to the fact that the dual AdS theory contains no massless fields aside from the metric tensor – which has no allowed vacuum waves, due to the Ricci-Riemann equivalence that I previously mentioned.

Great. So this theory solely has the unit of measurement operator amongst \(\ell^2=0\), at the source of the lattice, as well as and then diverse operators at \(\ell^2=4\) as well as other operators amongst similar dimensions that transform as\[

{\bf 196,883}\oplus {\bf 1}

\] OK, all these objects must evidently last understood equally dark hole microstates – there's goose egg else inwards the theory. Their density increases quasi-exponentially amongst the mass, equally y'all know from CFTs, as well as they transform equally representations of the monster group \(M\). The GR intuition should last basically right qualitatively but y'all must last create to encompass the fact that the corrections to some quantities may last of fellowship 100%.

Now, the monster grouping has \(K=194\) conjugacy classes. If y'all know the basic representation theory of finite groups, you're familiar amongst the amazing statement\[

K = R

\] maxim that the publish of conjugacy classes is equal to the publish of irreducible representations of the group, too. The dimensions of these 194 irreps may last establish e.g. on this Subwiki page. The smallest ones bring dimensions \(1\) as well as \(196,833\), of course, patch the largest i has the dimension\[


\] Many of the large irreps are rather closed inwards size to this one. \(146\) of these irreps are real, \(48\) of them are complex, coming equally \(24\) pairs of mutually complex conjugate irreps. (These 24 pairs incorporate all the DNA chromosome data for chimps, which are included inwards the monster, as well as the 146 non-paired chromosomes are those of a unicorn doll, but I don't desire to overwhelm y'all amongst advanced monster biology.) Another fact that y'all hollo back from the basic representation theory is\[

|G| = \sum_{i=1}^{194} d_i^2.

\] The publish of elements of the monster group, almost \(8\times 10^{53}\), is the heart of the squared dimensions of all the irreps. This numerical fact, along amongst \(K=R\) I mentioned before, may last understood equally niggling consequences of stronger Schur orthogonality relations – which grip nicely for finite equally good equally compact Lie groups.

Wikipedia tells us: The infinite of complex-valued shape functions of a finite grouping G has a natural inner product:\[

\left \langle \alpha, \beta\right \rangle := \frac{1}{ \left | G \right | }\sum_{g \in G} \alpha(g) \overline{\beta(g)}

\] Just to last sure, a shape share is a share mapping the grouping to the complex numbers that is constant all over each conjugacy class, i.e. i that obeys\[

\forall g,h\in M:\quad \alpha(hgh^{-1}) = \alpha(g).

\] Can y'all discovery some genuinely apt physical realization for these things? I think y'all can. Consider an Einstein-Rosen span – a non-traversable wormhole equally discussed inwards the ER-EPR correspondence – as well as twist the pharynx past times an chemical element \(g\in M\). So instead of connecting the ii dark holes, inwards our illustration the \(AdS_3\) dark holes, using the most niggling entanglement\[

\ket\psi = \sum_{i} \ket i \otimes \ket{i'}

\] where the heart goes over some interval of masses or something similar that, y'all supersede \(\ket{i'}\) higher upward past times the \(g\)-transformed chemical element \(g\ket{i'}\) for some \(g\in M\). If at that spot were a unmarried wormhole microstate for every \(g\), they would shape a Hilbert infinite as well as the \(\left \langle \alpha, \beta\right \rangle \) inner production could only last the inner production on their Hilbert space. I think it's appropriate that nosotros need "class functions". Why? Because I believe that all symmetries inwards a theory of quantum gravity (including discrete symmetries) are gauge symmetries. So the physical states must last invariant nether all these symmetries. In particular\[

\forall g\in M: \quad g \ket\psi = \ket\psi

\] for all localized objects that may last isolated. Now, a wormhole amongst a twist given past times \(h\in M\) may also last transformed past times the activeness of \(g\), but if y'all produce so, I believe that the twist \(h\) gets conjugated. So the activeness of \(g\) on the \(h\)-twisted wormhole is the \(ghg^{-1}\)-twisted wormhole. Does it brand feel so far? So the status that the moving ridge functions on the infinite of the twisted wormholes are class functions is precisely a mathematical translation of the guess invariance for objects amongst some monodromy – such equally cosmic strings or wormholes.

If y'all drib dead on reading the Wikipedia article, y'all volition also acquire that nether the real same "sum over \(M\)" inner production above, the characters are orthogonal to each other:\[

\left \langle \chi_i, \chi_j \right \rangle = \begin{cases} 0 & \mbox{ if } i \ne j, \\ 1 & \mbox{ if } i = j. \end{cases}

\] Here, \(\chi_i\) where \(i=1,2,\dots,194\) is the graphic symbol i.e. the describe over the \(i\)-th irrep framed equally a share of \(g\)\[

\chi_i(g) = {\rm Tr}_i (g).

\] The orthogonality also plant inwards the contrary direction. If y'all heart over all \(194\) irreps (instead of summing over elements of the group),\[

\sum_{\chi_i} \chi_i(g) \overline{\chi_i(h)} = \begin{cases} \left | C_M(g) \right |, & \mbox{ if } g, h \mbox{ are conjugate } \\ 0 & \mbox{ otherwise.}\end{cases}

\] y'all may create upward one's necessitate heed whether \(g,h\) belong to the same conjugacy shape or not. The normalization \(|C_M(g)|\) is the publish of elements inwards the centralizer of \(g\) within \(M\). The centralizer of \(g\) is the subgroup of all \(h\in M\) that commute amongst \(g\), i.e. \(gh=hg\).

Many of these identities are deeply suggestive of the ER-EPR correspondence. In the Schur orthogonality relations, we're basically switching betwixt ii bases – i given past times elements \(g\in M\) as well as their conjugacy classes on i side; as well as i given past times components of irreps as well as these irreps (and their characters \(\chi_i\)) on the other side. Within the ER-EPR correspondence, I advise to position the one-time – the elements amongst the monster grouping – amongst the ER "bulk" description of operators within the wormhole; patch the latter – the representations – should last identified amongst the EPR side of ER-EPR, i.e. amongst the representations of the monster grouping as well as their entanglement.

So I advise to written report a "metaduality":
\(ER=EPR\) is dual to the Schur orthogonality changes of bases.
Something similar that should work, I think, but i should acquire much further. In the structure above, i solely discussed the exact symmetry of the vacuum – which are completely unbroken – namely the monster group. This grouping should last considered a toy model for all guess as well as global symmetries (and isometries of compactification etc.) that i encountered inwards a generic string/M-theoretical vacuum. (I promise that it's non also terrifying for y'all to telephone phone a monster your toy. As a kid, y'all should bring played amongst monsters, too.)

A monster as well as a infant monster apparently swallow tomatoes as well as kiwis, respectively.

But I would similar to acquire much to a greater extent than from similar considerations than precisely some novel duality that allows y'all to pick ii unlike bases inwards a Hilbert space. I would similar to generalize these constructions from the "twist of a wormhole" to all conceivable localized – as well as and then local – operators y'all may think of, including the low-energy quantum fields. Those aren't generators of exact symmetries but if their unloosen energy is low, they may last precisely about it – think of all low-energy fields equally some counterparts of the Nambu-Goldstone bosons (with the same catch that explains why these bosons are massless or light). So all these operators (especially when located inwards the novel part of the spacetime, within the wormhole) reshuffle some nearby microstates of the ii dark holes.

If at that spot were some low-energy (and fifty-fifty non so low-energy) quantum fields within the wormhole, they should last able to deed on the Hilbert infinite of the ii dark holes – basically the tensor foursquare of the dry soil of all dark hole microstates – inwards a for certain agency that generalizes the Schur orthogonality relations above. At the end, y'all should last able to catch that the ii dark holes can't last an "exact" representation of an algebra of low-energy quantum fields. Instead, y'all should collide amongst some limits or restrictions of the Raju-Papadodimas type: the publish of insertions can't last arbitrarily high etc.

Above, the catch was to outset amongst the known spectrum of dark hole microstates, exercise ii such dark holes, as well as written report interesting operators acting on that space. In this way, nosotros should acquire access to the "new part of the spacetime", namely within the wormhole. The wormhole spacetime has a classically new, non-trivial topology. So the full general lesson is that y'all could build to a greater extent than complicated spacetimes as well as states amongst them from simpler ones.

It's possible that some complex plenty spacetime, e.g. i nosotros inhabit, could last constructed from many simpler ones, perchance fifty-fifty \(AdS_3\) spacetimes, past times similar Schur-like transitions to completely novel observables etc. The monster grouping illustration shows that quantum gravity demands huge as well as almost absolute constraints on the spectrum of the "pieces" – the ii private dark holes' microstates – that y'all may entangle as well as where y'all may written report the interesting operators that may last embedded. In fact, the pieces' microstates are constrained past times the novel operators inwards betwixt as well as vice versa.

There should be a well-posed Definition of this occupation as well as all perturbative string theory vacua – associated amongst a conformal acre theory on the basis canvas – should last a subclass of solutions to this problem.

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