Dnes vám prinášam trochu neobvyklý post. Pred objektívnom tentokrát nestojím ja ani iná modelka, či model, ale zapózoval nám mladý fešák Samko, a ja som si tak prvýkrát vyskúšala styling pre deti. Celý tím sa zhodol, že fotenie bolo zábavné a milé, užili sme si to nielen my, ale aj Samkov doprovod :)
Today I'm bringing yous a picayune odd post. This fourth dimension I didn't stand upwardly inward front end of objective or whatever other model, but posed for us immature handsome Samko, as well as it was the outset fourth dimension what I did styling for children. The entire squad agreed that the photoshooting was fun as well as nice, non alone us enjoyed it, but too Samko's accompaniment.
riflová košela/denim shirt - moja/my
outfit as well as hence sakom/outfit alongside blazer - Samkov/Samkov's
ostatné oblečenie a topánky/other wearing clothing as well as shoes - F&F
Model: Samko
Styling: Dominika Mrázová (me)
Photo: Michal Jakubec Photography Facebook
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