
Christmas Marketplace Inwards Vienna

Ako trávite tieto sviatky? Máte ešte dovolenku alebo ste museli nastúpiť už produce práce? Školou povinný si určite užívajú dlhé prázdniny. Aj ja, hoci školu mám už dávno za sebou. Voľno, jedlo, koláče, filmy a knihy :)
Ešte pred Vianocami sme išli second rodinou na výlet produce Viedne na vianočné trhy. Bolo krásne počasie, svietilo slniečko a my sme aspoň nezmŕzali ako inokedy. Popozerali sme stánky, pochutili si na hot dogoch a zemiakových plackách, zohriali sa vianočným punčom, detským a amareto, boli vynikajúce. Domov som si kúpila jahody a jablko obliate čokoládou, mňáám, milujem to. Nasali sme vianočnú atmosféru, pomotali sa pri kolotočoch a unavení sa vrátili domov :)

How are you lot spending these holidays? Do you lot all the same convey opor-garai or you lot are dorsum at work? Schoolchildren are enjoying long holidays. Me too, although I finished schoolhouse years ago. Free time, food, cakes, movies in addition to books :)
Before Christmas, my household unit of measurement in addition to me went for a trip to Vienna for Christmas markets. It was squeamish weather, the Sun was shining in addition to nosotros didn't freeze than usual. We looked at stalls, ate hot dogs in addition to Irish Gaelic patato pancakes, got warmer amongst Christmas punch, children's in addition to amaretto were delicious. I bought strawberries in addition to apple tree amongst chocolate, yummy, beloved it. We absorbed Christmas atmosphere, were at carousels in addition to returned dwelling solid tired :)

Photos by: Escorpi photography

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