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Viem, že veľa ľudí teraz nadáva, sťažujú sa na kalamitu, frflú na dopravu a všade len samí negativizmus. No ja sa z toho teším ako malé decko. Konečne sneh a pocit ako v zimnej rozprávke. Áno, tiež som sa ledva dostala z práce domov, niekoľkokrát sa šmykla a takmer si zlomila nohu, mala mokré vlasy a oblečenie, no nakoniec som sa tomu aj tak smiala. Veď nie je lepší úsmev ako zamračená tvár?
H5N1 teraz niečo k outfitu. Tieto fotky sme spravili minulý víkend, keď som sneh vôbec nečakala. Bola som dosť nevhodne oblečená a preto ma nádielka snehu tak zaskočila, že som musela improvizovať a požičať si takmer všetko od mojej maminy. Máme šťastie, že máme rovnaké postavy a sec prižmúrením oka aj topánky :)

I know lots of people are at i time swearing, complaining virtually the calamity, moaning on a traffic in addition to the negativism is everywhere. But I'm enjoying it similar a child. Finally hither is a snowfall in addition to I experience similar inwards a wintertime fairy tale. Yes, I hardly got abode from work, slid for several times in addition to almost broke my leg, had moisture pilus in addition to clothes, but inwards the terminate I laughed over it. Well, isn't it ameliorate to accept a grin than a frown face? 
And at i time something virtually my outfit. We took these pictures concluding weekend when I didn't hold off whatever snow. I wasn't dressed good in addition to novel snowfall surprised me. I had to improvise in addition to borrowed almost all pieces of clothes from my mom. Luckily nosotros accept the same figures in addition to amongst narrowed eyes also the shoes :)
O hodinu neskôr som sedela v aute smer Lednice v Čechách. Z jednej rozprávky create druhej. Už ste tam niekedy boli?

An sixty minutes afterwards I sat inwards a motorcar to Lednice inwards Czech Republic. From i fairy tale to other. Have you lot always been there?

rolák/turtleneck shirt - Gate
rifle/jeans - Zara
kabát/coat - Mango
topánky/shoes -Baťa
čapica/beanie - ???
rukavice/gloves - H&M
šál/scarf - ???

Photos by: get-go part: Escorpi photography
                  2nd part: Dodo

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