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Obľúbené celé leto. Však neviete o čom hovorím? O šatách aj sandálikoch. Konečne som našla šnurovacie na moju nožku a som z nich prešťastná. Ten druh radosti určite poznáte... Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 šaty ma v obchode zhypnotizovali svojim vzorom. No odolali past times ste? Ja teda nie.

Favourite throughout the summer. You don't know what am I talking about? About wearing clothing together with likewise sandals. Finally I've flora the correct sandals amongst lacing on my legs together with I am happy. You for sure know that sort of joy... And the wearing clothing hypnotized me amongst its designing inwards the shop. Would y'all resist them? I wouldn't.

šaty/dress - Mango
sandále/sandals - Aldo
kabelka/shoulder pocketbook - Mohito
prstene/rings - Mango

Photos by: Escorpi photography

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