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Icy Blue
Táto zima opäť a znovu! Hoci najradšej v tomto počasí sedím doma v hrubých ponožkách, teplým čajom a knihou v ruke, nevyhnem sa tomu, aby som nevystrčila päty z bytu. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 keď už tak urobím, tak poriadne zababušená. Viete, že šál je moja nevyhnutnosť, ale tentokrát som ho nechala ležať v skrini, hoci som mala pochybnosti, či to bez neho zvládnem. Ale bola som milo prekvapená, že nádherný hrejivý kabátik z Marelly mi úplne stačil! Je taký teplučký a príjemný až pri ňom nadobudnete pocit, že chcete, aby zima trvala naveky.

This wintertime in 1 lawsuit again as well as again! In this atmospheric condition I rather sit down at dwelling solid inwards the thick socks, alongside warm tea as well as a mass inwards my hands, but sometimes it is neccessary to become out. And when I convey to, I involve to convey warm clothes. You know that the scarf is my necessity, but this fourth dimension I left it lying inwards my closet, fifty-fifty though I had doubts whether I tin cope it without scarf. But I was pleasantly surprised that a squeamish warm coat from Marella was proficient plenty for me! It is as well as hence warm as well as pleasant that you lot volition long for neverending winter.

kabát/coat - Marella
sveter/sweater - Lindex
čiapka/beanie - Lindex
rifle/jeans - H&M
topánky/shoes - CCC
kabelka/shoulder handbag - C&A
rukavice/gloves - H&M

Photo: Anton Gráf Photographies  Facebook

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