Aké maličkosti vám naposledy urobili radosť? Ja som necktie svoje zozbierala practise jedného postu. Tri z nich boli vianočné darčeky (čo na tom, že som si dva z nich vybrala sama :) ). Biela košeľa sec čiernymi pásikmi yesteryear mala patriť practise základnej výbavy. Ja som tu svoju konečne našla v H&M a sedí ako uliata. Tmavý vínový rúž je taktiež must-have, ktorý nesmie chýbať v žiadnej kozmetickej taštičke. Uff poviem vám, že ja som dosť vyberavá a 10 správny odtieň som schopná hladať aj rok. Podarilo sa a Dark Side od MAC bol láska na prvý pohľad. K mojim kozmetickým vychytávkam ešte pribudol lak na nechty a lesk na pery od Dioru. Koralové odtiene sa nevedia dočkať leta, kedy sa budú najlepšie vynímať. No zásoby je dobré robiť už napred, všakže?
Tak a tu vám prezradím, že upodozrievam niekoho, že vie asi čítať myšlienky. No je to totiž tak, že som veľmi chcela veľký nápadný (najlepšie kvetinový) náhrdelník. Samozrejme som mlčala ako v hrobe. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aha! Ježiško priniesol :D
What are unopen to of the fiddling things that made you lot happy lately? I collected mine to i post. Three of them were Christmas gifts (never heed I chose myself 2 of them :) ). The white blouse alongside dark stripes should hold upward inwards every wardrobe. I in conclusion establish that correct blouse inwards H&M. Dark vino lipstick is too must-have, which can't immature adult woman inwards whatsoever cosmetic bag. Uff, I volition say you lot I am really choosy together with I tin sack hold back for that correct shade a year. The lipstick Dark Side from MAC was honey for the starting fourth dimension sight. I added to my cosmetic pocketbook too a smash smooth together with a lip gloss from Dior. The coral shades are perfect for summertime together with they can't hold back for this season. But the stock is expert to convey prepared ahead, isn't it?
So at nowadays I give away to you lot something. I mean value that someone knows read minds. Well, I wanted a big noticable (best floral) necklace. Of course of written report I was soundless every bit inwards the grave. But look! Santa brought it :D
Tak a tu vám prezradím, že upodozrievam niekoho, že vie asi čítať myšlienky. No je to totiž tak, že som veľmi chcela veľký nápadný (najlepšie kvetinový) náhrdelník. Samozrejme som mlčala ako v hrobe. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aha! Ježiško priniesol :D
What are unopen to of the fiddling things that made you lot happy lately? I collected mine to i post. Three of them were Christmas gifts (never heed I chose myself 2 of them :) ). The white blouse alongside dark stripes should hold upward inwards every wardrobe. I in conclusion establish that correct blouse inwards H&M. Dark vino lipstick is too must-have, which can't immature adult woman inwards whatsoever cosmetic bag. Uff, I volition say you lot I am really choosy together with I tin sack hold back for that correct shade a year. The lipstick Dark Side from MAC was honey for the starting fourth dimension sight. I added to my cosmetic pocketbook too a smash smooth together with a lip gloss from Dior. The coral shades are perfect for summertime together with they can't hold back for this season. But the stock is expert to convey prepared ahead, isn't it?
So at nowadays I give away to you lot something. I mean value that someone knows read minds. Well, I wanted a big noticable (best floral) necklace. Of course of written report I was soundless every bit inwards the grave. But look! Santa brought it :D
Tí, ktorí ma dobre poznajú vedia, že som maniačka na diáriky, papiere, notesy a sec precíznosťou si vyberám aj ročný kalednár. Táto úchylka sa dá len zťažka ovládať. Mám svoje kritéria a z tých len tak ľahko nepoľavím. To je akoby ste boli zvyknutí na mäkkučký froté župan a zrazu sa máte uspokojiť sec polyesterom. Pff. Na tento rok som si vybrala nádherné prevedenie od Paperblanks. Nekúpila som si ho hneď na prvý krát, ale keď sa mi o týchto modrých mačkách zaliatych zlatom snívalo (prisahám), musela som poň ísť.
No a nakoniec mám na vás otázku. Robíte to, čo vás baví a napĺňa? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 nemyslím tým len počas pracovnej doby. Že nie? Tak sec tým okamžite začnite, nech už je to čokoľvek. Či je to vaša tajná záľuba v pečení muffinov, nočné vyjedanie chladničky (hoci sec výčitkami), pletenie čapíc, bláznivé tancovanie uprostred izby, zapájanie sa practise vážnych diskusií o ekologických problémoch na internete alebo pozeranie prostoduchých zahraničných reality šou. Jednoducho robte viac to, čo vás robí šťastných. Predsudky, strach a hanblivosť bokom. Ja som sa počas Vianoc vrátila ku kaligrafii. Ovládala som ju trochu ešte na zákadnej škole, no počase sa tá schopnosť trochu otupila. Odvtedy veľa vody pretieklo a predsa len svet počítačov a mobilov urobia svoje. Chcem sa však vycibriť a svojimi výtvormi robiť radosť aj ostatným. Tak ako sa mi to dúfam darí aj thus svojimi pletenými náramkami priateľstva :)
Those who know me well, know that I am a maniac to notes, papers, diaries together with ever conduct my annual calendar alongside precision. This difference tin sack hold upward difficult controled. I convey unopen to criterias together with don't desire to repose up. It is every bit if you lot used the fluffy terry robe together with all of a precipitous you lot convey to hold upward satisfied alongside polyester. Pff. For this twelvemonth I chose a wonderful blueprint from Paperblanks. I didn't purchase it for the starting fourth dimension time when I saw it, but when I had a dream most these blueish cats alongside golden deport on (I swear), I had to purchase it.
And inwards the halt I convey a inquiry for you. Do you lot practise what relish together with fill upward to you? And I don't hateful alone at work. No? So get down alongside it immediately, whether it is anything. Whether it's your hush-hush passion for baking muffins, nighttime eating everything from fridge (although alongside remose), knitting beanies, crazy dancing inwards the middle of the room, engage inwards serious discussions most environmental issues on the Internet or watching naive unusual reality shows. Just practise to a greater extent than of what makes you lot happy. Prejudice, fearfulness together with shyness move out behind you. During Christmas vacation I got dorsum to calligraphy. I ruled it a fleck to a greater extent than when I attended a principal school, but you lot know..it was years ago. Quite unopen to fourth dimension has passed since together with thus together with of course of written report the globe of computers together with mobile phones brand their own. But I desire to refine my skills together with alongside my creations to delight others. As I promise I am doing it alongside my woven friendship bracelets :)
No a nakoniec mám na vás otázku. Robíte to, čo vás baví a napĺňa? Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 nemyslím tým len počas pracovnej doby. Že nie? Tak sec tým okamžite začnite, nech už je to čokoľvek. Či je to vaša tajná záľuba v pečení muffinov, nočné vyjedanie chladničky (hoci sec výčitkami), pletenie čapíc, bláznivé tancovanie uprostred izby, zapájanie sa practise vážnych diskusií o ekologických problémoch na internete alebo pozeranie prostoduchých zahraničných reality šou. Jednoducho robte viac to, čo vás robí šťastných. Predsudky, strach a hanblivosť bokom. Ja som sa počas Vianoc vrátila ku kaligrafii. Ovládala som ju trochu ešte na zákadnej škole, no počase sa tá schopnosť trochu otupila. Odvtedy veľa vody pretieklo a predsa len svet počítačov a mobilov urobia svoje. Chcem sa však vycibriť a svojimi výtvormi robiť radosť aj ostatným. Tak ako sa mi to dúfam darí aj thus svojimi pletenými náramkami priateľstva :)
Those who know me well, know that I am a maniac to notes, papers, diaries together with ever conduct my annual calendar alongside precision. This difference tin sack hold upward difficult controled. I convey unopen to criterias together with don't desire to repose up. It is every bit if you lot used the fluffy terry robe together with all of a precipitous you lot convey to hold upward satisfied alongside polyester. Pff. For this twelvemonth I chose a wonderful blueprint from Paperblanks. I didn't purchase it for the starting fourth dimension time when I saw it, but when I had a dream most these blueish cats alongside golden deport on (I swear), I had to purchase it.
And inwards the halt I convey a inquiry for you. Do you lot practise what relish together with fill upward to you? And I don't hateful alone at work. No? So get down alongside it immediately, whether it is anything. Whether it's your hush-hush passion for baking muffins, nighttime eating everything from fridge (although alongside remose), knitting beanies, crazy dancing inwards the middle of the room, engage inwards serious discussions most environmental issues on the Internet or watching naive unusual reality shows. Just practise to a greater extent than of what makes you lot happy. Prejudice, fearfulness together with shyness move out behind you. During Christmas vacation I got dorsum to calligraphy. I ruled it a fleck to a greater extent than when I attended a principal school, but you lot know..it was years ago. Quite unopen to fourth dimension has passed since together with thus together with of course of written report the globe of computers together with mobile phones brand their own. But I desire to refine my skills together with alongside my creations to delight others. As I promise I am doing it alongside my woven friendship bracelets :)
Photos by: Michal Jakubec photography
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