Zháňate na poslednú chvíľu ešte nejaké darčeky? Mám pre vás jeden tip. Ide o prírodnú kozmetiku Fyto, ktorú si okamžite zamilujú milovníci ovocných a delikátnych vôní. Keď mi prišiel balíček zo stránky www.herbadrug.sk produce práce, spolu sec kolegyňami sme na naň okamžite vrhli. Všetky sme ochkali a achkali a mali sme neodolateľnú chuť ochutnať. Nemohla som sa dočkať kedy výrobky otestujem, doslova na vlastnej koži. O pár dní neskôr sa mi kolegyňa priznala, že už si objednala niekoľko sprchových gélov, denný krém, pleťovú vodu, pleťové mlieko a peeling.
Teraz vám ukážem, čo mi pribudlo v kúpeľni.
Are you lot looking for whatsoever gifts for the final moment? I convey a tip for you. It is nearly natural cosmetics Fyto, which lovers of fruits as well as fragile scents volition autumn inwards dearest with, instantly. When I received a bundle from the site www.herbadrug.sk to my work, alongside my colleagues directly pounced on it. We were surprised as well as had an irresistible flavor to sense of savor it. I couldn't hold off when I volition try it. H5N1 few days afterwards my colleague told me, that she ordered merely about shower gels, a daily cream, a confront lotion as well as a scrub.
Now I volition demo you lot what is novel inwards my bathroom.
Teraz vám ukážem, čo mi pribudlo v kúpeľni.
Are you lot looking for whatsoever gifts for the final moment? I convey a tip for you. It is nearly natural cosmetics Fyto, which lovers of fruits as well as fragile scents volition autumn inwards dearest with, instantly. When I received a bundle from the site www.herbadrug.sk to my work, alongside my colleagues directly pounced on it. We were surprised as well as had an irresistible flavor to sense of savor it. I couldn't hold off when I volition try it. H5N1 few days afterwards my colleague told me, that she ordered merely about shower gels, a daily cream, a confront lotion as well as a scrub.
Now I volition demo you lot what is novel inwards my bathroom.
EXOTICKÝ DEZERT - Krémový sprchový gél, sec jemnou hodvábnou štruktúrou a exotickou vôňou zrelých banánov a kokosu nám prevoňala celú kúpeľňu, chodbičku a aj izby. Haha no dobre, máme menší byt, ale aj tak sa táto výrazná exotická vôňa rozplynie produce všetkých kútov. Pre niektorých môže byť príliš silná až nepríjemná, no ja sa vyžívam. Dokonca aj môj drahý si chváli. Gél navyše obsahuje olivový olej a olej z pšeničných klíčkov, takže moja pokožka je hydratovaná, čo počas zimy potrebuje dvojnásobne.
EXOTIC DESSERT - Cream shower gel alongside fine silky texture as well as exotic scent of ripe bananas as well as kokosnoot scented our whole bathroom, hallway as well as the room. Haha ok, nosotros convey a smaller flat, but fifty-fifty thence you lot volition odour this exotic scent inwards every corner. For merely about people it may live also rigid as well as unpleasant, but I am satisfied. Even my swain likes it. The gel farther comprises olive oil, wheat germ oil, thence my peel is hydrated, what during the wintertime requires twice.
EXOTIC DESSERT - Cream shower gel alongside fine silky texture as well as exotic scent of ripe bananas as well as kokosnoot scented our whole bathroom, hallway as well as the room. Haha ok, nosotros convey a smaller flat, but fifty-fifty thence you lot volition odour this exotic scent inwards every corner. For merely about people it may live also rigid as well as unpleasant, but I am satisfied. Even my swain likes it. The gel farther comprises olive oil, wheat germ oil, thence my peel is hydrated, what during the wintertime requires twice.
SLADKÁ BONBONIÉRA - Vždy musím mať v kúpelni aspoň jeden telový peeling. Tento mandľový, ktorý vonia ako marcipán zaliaty v čokoláde ma úplne dostal a musím potláčať chúťky oblíznuť si ruky. Predstavte si, že sa kúpete v roztopených marcipánových pralinkách. No nie je to úžasný pocit? Aj Kleoptra sec jej vaňou plnou mlieka past times vám mohla závidieť. Nechajte sa rozmaznávať týmto peelingom sec gélovou konzistenciou a budete sa cítiť ako v raji. Výrobok je tiež čisto prírodný a obsahuje výťažky zo sladkých mandlí a hľuzoviek. Drobné mikročastice peelingu a jemné častice pemzy dôkladne čistia pokožku, odstraňujú nečistoty a odumreté kožné bunky. Drobné zrniečka peelingu sú obsiahnuté z mandľového extraktu, extraktu z kakaových bôbov a častíc jojobového orecha. Pokožku zanechávajú hladkú a vláčnu.
Neviem ako vy, ale ja si brúsim zúbky ešte na ďalšie pokušenia z tejto tejto značky.
SWEET BOX OF CHOCOLATES- I ever must convey at to the lowest degree 1 trunk scrub inwards my bathroom. This almond, which smells similar a marzipan drenched inwards chocolate is absolutely amazing as well as I convey to suppress an appetite to lick my hands. Imagine that you lot are bathing inwards melted marzipan truffles. Isn't it a nifty feeling? Even Cleopatra, alongside her bath amount of milk, would envy you. Let pamper yourself alongside this scrub alongside a gel texture as well as you lot volition experience similar inwards a paradise. The production is purely natural as well as contains extracts of sweetness almonds as well as truffles. Small microparticles of scrub as well as fine particles of pumice thoroughly cleans the skin, removing impurities as well as dead peel cells. Small grains of scrub are contained from almond extract, extract of cocoa beans as well as particles jojoba nut. It leaves the peel smoothen as well as supple.
Don't know what you, but I volition definitely purchase something from this brand.
Neviem ako vy, ale ja si brúsim zúbky ešte na ďalšie pokušenia z tejto tejto značky.
SWEET BOX OF CHOCOLATES- I ever must convey at to the lowest degree 1 trunk scrub inwards my bathroom. This almond, which smells similar a marzipan drenched inwards chocolate is absolutely amazing as well as I convey to suppress an appetite to lick my hands. Imagine that you lot are bathing inwards melted marzipan truffles. Isn't it a nifty feeling? Even Cleopatra, alongside her bath amount of milk, would envy you. Let pamper yourself alongside this scrub alongside a gel texture as well as you lot volition experience similar inwards a paradise. The production is purely natural as well as contains extracts of sweetness almonds as well as truffles. Small microparticles of scrub as well as fine particles of pumice thoroughly cleans the skin, removing impurities as well as dead peel cells. Small grains of scrub are contained from almond extract, extract of cocoa beans as well as particles jojoba nut. It leaves the peel smoothen as well as supple.
Don't know what you, but I volition definitely purchase something from this brand.
Photos: Escorpi photography
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