Oooh čo chcem povedať...definitívne milujem tento foto set. Tieto fotky sú farebné a hravé. Mrzí ma, že som nemohla zostať počas celého fotenia lebo som mala zápal ucha. Len som skombinovala oblečenie sec farebnými tapetami a šperkami, pozrela sa na jeden laid a utekala domov pretože som sa necítila dobre. Pred samotným fotením mal Michal bláznivý nápad nafarbiť nazlato okuliare, nožnice a hrebeň. Lucia sa postarala o farebný šťavnatý make-up a Natália bola úžasná. Som veľmi spokojná sec našim výsledkom ;)
Oooh what I wanna say...definitely dear this photograph set. These pics are as well as then colorful as well as playful. I couldn't rest during whole photograph shooting because I had an ear infection. I but combined clothe amongst colorful wallpapers as well as jewelries, prepared it, looked alone on i laid as well as went habitation becuase I didn't experience well. Before photograph shooting Michal had a crazy idea, to paint golden sunglasses, pair of scissors as well as comb. Lucia did colorful juicy make-up as well as Natália was perfect. I'm really satisfied amongst our upshot ;)
Model: Natália Šoltésová
Agency: MIX Model Management
Visage: Lucia Sládečková Lucid style
Dress styling: Dominika Mrázová (me)
Photo: Michal Jakubec Michal.Jakubec.Photography