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Riflovina second pásikmi je celkom fajn kombinácia. due south jemným dotykom červenej na perách a nechtoch to má  ten správny šmrnc. Užívam si teplo a teším sa na tú pravú jolt :) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 čo vy?

Denim alongside stripes is quite fine combination. With low-cal acquit upon of blood-red on lips together with nails it has that correct feeling. I'm enjoying hot conditions together with looking forrad to boundary :) What almost you?

sweter/sweater - Shana
košela/shirt - H&M
legíny/leggings - New Yorker
topánky/shoes - CCC
čiapka/beanie - ???

Photos by: Escorpi photography

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