Každý kto ma pozná alebo sleduju tento weblog už nejakú dobu vie, že mám rada čiapky. Nosím ich aj keď je teplo pretože je to dobrá ochrana našich hláv pred slnkon, že? Túto čiapku som si kúpila v Prahe minulý september keď sme tam išli s priateľom na svadbu a potom sme ešte strávili pár dní prechádzkami týmto krásnym mestom. Ale bolo príšerne zima a moje uši neskutočne mrzli!! Musela som si kúpiť niečo na hlavu pretože už som nedokázala strpieť 10 chlad. H5N1 našla som túto čiapku v super fialovej farbe :)
Everyone who knows me or has been next this weblog for some fourth dimension could honor that I honey beanies. I vesture them fifty-fifty if it's hot, because it's a expert protection of our caput against the sun, right? Last september I bought this beanie inward Prague when my beau together with I were at a marriage together with and then nosotros spent a few days walking some this beautiful city. But it was thence mutual depression temperature together with my ears were freezing!! I had to purchase something on my caput because I couldn't stand upward the chill. And I constitute this beanie inward regal colouring fabric :)
sveter/sweater- secondhand
rifle/jeans - Zara
opasok/belt - Zara
topánky/shoes - CCC
kabát/coat - Mango
čiapka/beanie - z Prahy/from Prague
Photos by: Escorpi photography
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