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Toto sú necktie najbombastickejšie kraťasy, ktoré som kedy mala. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 viete čo? Patrili mojej maminke!! Pamätám si keď ich nosila na dovolenkách. Pred týždňom ich opäť vytiahla zo skrine a teraz sú už moje. V tomto outfite som sa cítila ako nejaká fitnesska z 80. rokov, ale super :D Inak vlastne takmer všetko čo mám na sebe je jej, okrem tielka.

These are the most bombastic shorts I´ve always had. And yous know what? They were my moms´!! I recall when she was wearing them on holidays. She pulled them out from wardrobe 1 calendar week agone as well as at 1 time they are mine. In this outfit I felt similar a fitness daughter from 80´s, but cool :D By the means most everything what I´m wearing belongs to her except tank top.

tielko/tank tiptop - Primark
kraťasy/hot pants, tenisky/sneakers, náušnice/earrings, náramok/bracelet - ??? from my mom :)

photos by: Escorpi photography

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