Presne tak, to je on, môjho srdca šampión. Mám na mysli tento sveter zo Zary. Robil mi spoločníka vždy keď bolo chladno a určite ešte aj bude. Ako sa poznám tak aj v lete, keďže som zmrzlina a balím sa create deky aj počas horúčav. Hoci je svetrík pomerne nový, časté nosenie sa už naň trochu podpísalo a začínajú sa tvoriť žmolky, ou :(
Dnes mám pre vás menšie oživenie, a to hudobnú vsuvku The Subways - Rock in addition to ringlet queen. Enjoy :)
Exactly, that's him, the champion of my heart. I hateful this sweater from Zara. It did me companionship e'er when it was mutual coldness in addition to for sure it will. How I know myself it volition live on alongside me fifty-fifty inward summertime because I´m “ice-cream“ in addition to I´m packing upwards inward a blanket during a heat. Although the sweater is or in addition to then new, often wearing has already signed it a combat in addition to began to shape lumps, ou: (
Today I accept a smaller recovery for you, a music nipple The Subways - Rock in addition to ringlet queen. Enjoy :)
Exactly, that's him, the champion of my heart. I hateful this sweater from Zara. It did me companionship e'er when it was mutual coldness in addition to for sure it will. How I know myself it volition live on alongside me fifty-fifty inward summertime because I´m “ice-cream“ in addition to I´m packing upwards inward a blanket during a heat. Although the sweater is or in addition to then new, often wearing has already signed it a combat in addition to began to shape lumps, ou: (
Today I accept a smaller recovery for you, a music nipple The Subways - Rock in addition to ringlet queen. Enjoy :)
sveter/sweater - Zara
legíny/leggings - New Yorkertričko/T-shirt - Jakub Polanka for ELLE
topánky/shoes - CCC, Lasocki collection
náramok/bracelet - darček/present
náhrdelník/necklace - darček/present from my dad
strieborné náušnice/silver earrings
rúž/lipstick - Kate Moss for Rimmel, 01
lak na nechty/nail smooth - Astor, 210 Glamourous Red
photos by: Janka
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